Fund an Investigation

It isn’t a pleasant thought, but the reality is that all over the world, animals are traded, transported and slaughtered in alarming numbers.  As you know, horses and farm animals around the country are continually subjected to horrific treatment at the hands of heartless human beings who only see them as expendable products sold for profit. Their lives are cruelly exploited for money without any consideration for their health and well-being which leads to untold suffering. These individuals, these businesses, do not care what is in the best interest of the animals; they care only for the best interest of their wallets.     

Animals’ Angels formed with the idea of fighting against these injustices. Our investigators work tirelessly to uncover the shameful acts of cruelty committed against farm animals. These investigations allow us to shed light on auctions and feed lots in order to advocate for real change. But no matter how hard we fight, we need YOUR help to succeed!

Cruelty to animals is something that is typically hidden from view.  Nowhere is this more evident than with farm animals and slaughter-bound horses. Though it is difficult to imagine how much worse it could be for these poor animals, without pictures and documentation to tell the animals’ tales, they would undoubtedly suffer even more at the hands of such people. The more we bring these atrocities to light and out into the open the less the violators can hide.

Here is your opportunity to send us where the animals need us the most:

  • Your gift of $100 will help sponsor an investigation at an auction or puppy mill.
  • Your $250 donation enables the trailing of a transport truck across the state.
  • Your generous $500 contribution will send our investigators on an extended transport trailing across the Canadian or Mexican border.
  • Your exceptional $1,000 gift will enable an in-depth investigation of an American or Canadian feedlot.
  • And as a member of our ‘Angels Circle’ with an extraordinary commitment of $5,000 or more, your name will be appended to an investigation conducted in your state.

We are there to help the animals. By donating, YOU too can take a stand against cruelty and be there for the animals.  Don’t they deserve better?  Don’t they deserve justice?  These sensitive animals cry out for help and working together we can answer that call.  TOGETHER we can make a difference!

Donations can be made online or sent to the address below:

Animals' Angels, Inc.
P.O. Box 1056
Westminster, Maryland 21158

Please feel free to contact Animals' Angels at 443-821-3343 or for more details. 

And remember, Animals' Angels is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization,

ALL donations are tax deductible!



Support Animals’ Angels and say NO to animal cruelty! 

We are a 501c3 so all donations made to AA are tax deductible.

EIN: 20-8780367