
Turning Horse Blood Into Profits

A new undercover investigation carried out by Animals' Angels, Inc. (AA) and their European partner, Tierschutzbund Zuerich/Animal Welfare Foundation (TSB/AWF) reveals yet another way humans have found to exploit horses; this time to garner multi-million dollar profits for none other than pharmaceutical companies.  Shocking evidence has uncovered the existence of "blood farms" in the U.S. as well as in countries like Argentina and Uruguay.

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FVO Audit of Canadian Horse Slaughter Industry

FVO Audit of Horse Slaughter Industry in Canada Confirms Food Safety Concerns as Expected

Neglects to Address Welfare Issues as Uncovered by Animals’ Angels Recent Investigation


In anticipation of the recent release of the latest EU Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) Audit Report (read audit here), Animals’ Angels investigators spent last week in Canada to obtain the most up to date and accurate information regarding the current status of the US/Canada slaughter horse trade.

New Holland Convicted

New Holland Sales Stable was convicted of animal cruelty today for an incident of horrific neglect that occurred at the auction on February 16, 2015. Judge Rodney Hartman and the District Court of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania found New Holland guilty of the two animal cruelty charges brought before the court by D.A. Christy Wilson for which the Judge imposed a fine of $750 for each count of animal cruelty for a total $1500 in fines.

Click to read the Newsletter.

BREAKING NEWS: Charges filed against New Holland Auction as a result of Animals’ Angels investigation! More to come!

New Holland Sales Stables has been cited after allegedly tossing a sheep and a goat — injured but alive — onto a carcass pile, where they remained overnight in subfreezing weather.  The livestock auction business has been cited for two cases of animal cruelty. The case will be heard at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 29, by District Judge Rodney Hartman.

EU Commission bans all horse meat imports from Mexico

You may recall that on July 4th of this year Animals' Angels and our international animal welfare coalition partners, Tierschutzbund Zurich (Switzerland) and Global Action in the Interest of Animals (Belgium) met with the EU Commission to discuss the issues surrounding horse meat imports from the Americas.

In the meeting we presented the findings of our comprehensive investigations in Canada, Mexico and the United States which outlined the abuse and torture that defines the horse slaughter industry.  We also showed the complete lack of reliable traceability as to where horses caught in the pipeline come from and demonstrated that the so-called "kill buyer affidavits" were often fraudulent.

Animals' Angels Finds Evidence of US Quarter Horses Exported to Russia by Lebanese Livestock Vessel Abou Karim III

For years, Animals' Angels has been investigating the export of US horses to Mexico and Canada for slaughter.  Documenting the horrors of this predatory industry, our investigators have visited every export facility and border crossing these animals pass through during their last journey. Or so we thought...

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Thundering Hooves Celebrating of the Horse Event - Santa Fe, NM October 18, 2014

What a fantastic day for the horses! Animals' angels attended the 2014 Thundering Hooves Event in Santa Fe to raise awareness about horse slaughter and wild horse issues. Hundreds of people attended the event, many of them previously unaware that American horses are being slaughtered for human consumption.  Sonja Meadows, President of Animals' Angels, gave a speech about current horse slaughter investigations and what can be done to end this predatory industry.  The slaughter horses gathered a whole lot of new support yesterday and we are very proud to have been a part of this remarkable event.

Thundering Hooves Flyer

Animal Welfare Coalition Calls Upon EU Commission to Halt the Import of American Horsemeat

On Friday, July 4th, as Americans around the U.S. celebrated Independence Day, Animals' Angels Inc. in conjunction with its international animal welfare coalition partners, Global Action in the Interest of Animals (GAIA, Belgium), Tierschutzbund Zurich (TSB, Switzerland). Eyes on Animals (Netherlands), L214 (France) and Eurogroup for Animals met with some of the top players at the EU Commission in Brussels to continue pushing forward in the fight for winning the freedom of U.S. horses and spreading much needed advocacy on an international platform.

Click here to read the Press Release...

Migros Will No Longer Buy Meat From Their Canadian Supplier

Migros, Switzerland's largest retail company & supermarket chain has decided to terminate its contract with Bouvry Exports and will no longer buy meat from the Canadian supplier. The decision was made after Migros was confronted again with horrific images from the Bouvry feedlots provided by Animals’ Angels (AA) and its Swiss partner organization Tierschutzbund Zuerich (TSB).
