USA Today exposes the heartbreaking truth of the horse slaughter industry in a feature article, revealing for the first time on a national level the ruthless activities of kill buyers like Mike McBarron, who admitted to USA Today that horse slaughter, “is just a job” to him and that he’s “just trying to make a little money” by selling retired racehorses for slaughter.
The in-depth article also shines a light on Animals’ Angels’ fight to end the slaughter and highlights the ongoing fight of activist Sonja Meadows, founder of Animals’ Angels. The article portrays the determined efforts by Meadows to expose the kill buyers and pass legislation to end the slaughter of horses, including the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act — legislation that would ban the transport and export of horses for slaughter.
Read full article and watch compelling video of Sonja Meadows at: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/horseracing/2019/10/31/breeders-cup-horses-go-racetracks-slaughterhouses/2485345001/