Animals’ Angels attended the flea market and small animal sale on the premises of Paintsville Auction. The outdoor sale was very crowded and private sellers were offering dogs, chicken, ducks and other birds, rabbits and guinea pigs. Others were offering all sorts of rifles, hand guns, knives and yard sale items. It was a very hot and humid day. No oversight by auction management or inspection of the animals or the conditions was observed. Many animals were sold straight from the back of pick- up trucks.
Many birds were offered in homemade wire cages that were way too small. Several were placed in full sun and not provided any water. Among them were also roosters with spurs, who appeared to be quite aggressive.
Buyers were carrying their purchased birds around by their legs or in bags. The dogs offered for sale were chained to the trucks, several had diarrhea and fleas or were emaciated.
Some of them appeared very frightened and were trying to hide under the vehicles. Some dogs exchanged hands for free. AA has reported this sale to KY authorities and will continue to monitor it.