Animals’ Angels, the Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions, Luv4K9s and SK9 Scottish Terrier Rescue met in Uniontown with USDA's Deputy Administrator of Animal Care, Dr. Chester Gibson and APHIS Eastern Regional Director, Dr. Elizabeth Goldentyer. The goal was to address concerns regarding animal welfare at commercial dog breeding facilities, dog auctions and during transport to the auction. Animals’ Angels investigative report from the February 2011 dog auction in Farmerstown, OH was part of the discussion, as well as the May 2010 Office of Inspector General (OIG) report about inspections of problematic dealers. Several recommendations for improvement were made, such as providing more comprehensive training and detailed guidance for inspectors on how to deal with direct and repeat violations as well as enforcement procedures. The positive and constructive meeting was an important step towards the goal to strengthen federal oversight and animal welfare protection of commercial dog breeding in Ohio.