Texas Department of Agriculture Export Facility, Socorro, TX - 1/28/08-2/1/08

Monday, January 28, 2008 - 13:45
Investigation Category: 

The Animals’ Angels inspectors observe conditions for the animals at the Socorro Export Facility. The Texas Department of Agriculture is in charge of the facility. The majority of American horses exported to Mexico for slaughter are brought here prior to exportation. Similar to our last visit in September 2007, we observed that the horses have no access to food and insufficient access to water (On two occasions the water trough in one pen was empty) prior to transport to the slaughter facility. Other observations:

+ Stallions were not separated from mares in the pens and on the truck
+ loading of severely limping horses
+ loading of horses on unacceptable conveyances, where horses are unable to stand normally
+overcrowding of horses on conveyances
+rough handling
The investigation revealed that the facility has not improved since our last visit. Animals’ Angels will present all evidence to USDA and local authorities and urge them to investigate the matter.