Success - Bouvry Exports Main Feedlot Closed for Horses

Sunday, April 14, 2024 - 09:07
Investigation Category: 

BREAKING NEWS! Animals’ Angels investigators just returned from a visit to the Prime Feedlot, Bouvry Exports flagship feedlot capable of holding way over 10,000 horses. During previous visits, investigators made the most gruesome discoveries imaginable, such as newborn foals frozen to the ground and torn apart by scavengers.

But not today! When daylight arrived and they were able to look at what’s in front of them, they saw that the pen area was completely empty. Not a single horse! A lonesome worker at the feedlot office confirmed that no more horses will be kept on the premises.

The investigators then drove to the holding pens right next to the plant. Again, not a single horse was visible!

What does this mean? Bouvry’s only US horse feedlot closed in 2022, now his main Canadian feedlot shares the same fate. Should we dare to hope that the company will get out of the horse slaughter business altogether? We will keep a close eye on the further developments.