Patton Auction, London, KY 6/1/12

Monday, July 9, 2012 - 10:45
Investigation Category: 

Animals’ Angels arrived at the weekly horse sale at 7:00pm. There were approx. 100 horses for sale that day, several of them were thin. No injuries were observed. Only a few of the pens had water available, which appeared to have been supplied by sellers. All others were left with nothing. It was noted that all stallions were segregated and that the handling was ok. Horse traders Burton from Columbia, KY and Sexton’s Horse and Mule Farm from Sneedville, TN were in attendance and both purchased a lot of the cheaper horses. Burton bought a total of 10 and Sexton 15 horses.  Sexton had brought his white semi with boarded up single deck trailer. Animals’ Angels will continue to attend this auction.