Ontario Livestock Exchange - 10/14/08-10/15/08

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 10:15
Investigation Category: 




10/14/08-10/15/08 Ontario Livestock Exchangev152_img_d9797_172_thumb
Animals’ Angels investigators visited the Ontario Livestock Exchange (OLEX) auction. This large auction primarily sells cattle, however horses are sold every Tuesday. On this visit approximately 60 horses, including many standardbreds and some thoroughbreds passed through the ring. The vast majority of horses were sold by the pound for .23 - .27 cents. Investigators were able to obtain the lip tattoo on one thoroughbred gelding who was sold for .25 cents/lb and whose physical condition indicated that he had recently come off the track. Most of the horses did not have access to food or water, although the ‘slaughter pens’ did have water available. The investigators noted that an injuring horse (‘three-legged’ due to ankle injury) was not segregated from the other horses in the slaughter pen. During the morning the investigators also noticed a Holstein calf with an incredibly swollen and disfigured leg. When the calf was still there the next day and now down, the investigators discussed the situation with the auction inspector and contacted the regional veterinarian. Responding to these concerns the staff euthanized the calf in the early afternoon.