Horse Slaughter in the News; 6/5/16

Sunday, June 5, 2016 - 10:45
Investigation Category: 

We’re glad to see that the issue of horse slaughter is getting notice in a reputable publication such as the San Antonio Express-News.  It is especially necessary to raise awareness of the stark realities of the horse slaughter pipeline to the audience in Texas where the export pens are located.  Kudos to journalist John MacCormack for doing a story on this very important issue. 

We were gratified to see our work in the EU recognized as we have worked diligently on our EU Campaign for quite some time.    “We flew to Brussels and I met with the European Commission myself,” said Sonja Meadows, founder of the Maryland-based group.

It was also heartening to see that the facts about slaughter as well as the truth behind the conditions at the Presidio export pens were also accurately portrayed in the article.

“The Presidio slaughter horse export pens in Texas have a long, sordid history of violating environmental laws, illegal carcass dumping and animal cruelty,” Animals’ Angels wrote in one recent assessment.

To read the article,  you can go here or read the PDF version here.