Eylers Horse Auction, Thurmont, MD 2/18/11

Saturday, February 26, 2011 - 14:00
Investigation Category: 

Animals’ Angels investigators attended the bi-monthly horse & tack sale at Eylers Stables in Thurmont. Tack starts selling at 6:00pm, and the horse sale starts at 8:30pm. The modern stable has 2 barns with an auction ring, an outside riding area and a small restaurant.

The horses were kept in individual box stalls with plenty of hay and water. Each stall floor was covered in a thick layer of sawdust bedding. 17 horses and ponies were offered for sale, and all appeared to be in good condition.

The handling observed was calm. Blood samples were drawn on all horses consigned to the sale, even if they had a current Coggins test.

No kill buyers attended the sale.