The Animals’ Angels inspectors observe the Socorro export pens between El Paso, Texas and Mexico where the majority of American horses are now being exported through. Too densely packed into small pens several hundred “slaughter” horses await loading onto Mexican double-decker trucks. Handling is violent with direct, hard hits with whips and thick wooden sticks. The horses are hit on all parts of their bodies, including their heads. The majority of the horses are emaciated, several lay dead, their bodies trampled by the crowded and panicked other horses. Even in their severely health compromised condition they will be transported 800-1,000 miles to slaughter. We are certain many won’t survive the trip. During our observation, there is no USDA veterinarian present to inspect the horses and endorse the mandatory health certificate form required for export to Mexico.

El Paso Border Crossing, TX 9/6/07
Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 15:30
Investigation Category: