Delta Horse Auction, CO 9/4/10

Saturday, September 4, 2010 - 10:45
Investigation Category: 

At the Delta horse sale, investigators observed two mares fighting in a small pen. After repeated requests by the investigators, auction employees finally separated the two mares. In another pen containing four mares, two of them were fighting. The auction refused to separate the mares and it was observed that one of the mares was lame when she was run through the auction ring. The ride-in and lead-in horses started running through the sale at 12:30 PM. One nervous horse was ridden in and when spurred by the rider, became frightened, lost his footing and fell with the rider. After the rider left in an ambulance, no one bid on this horse and Carter purchased the horse for $205.00. Investigators later found the horse in Carter’s kill pen. The loose horse sale began at 2:10 and ended at 2:45 PM. In the kill pens, investigators observed injured horses with nicks and cuts. Carter purchased 19 horses and Jason Fabrizius purchased ten horses. After loading Fabrizius and Carter left auction and headed west. At 5:30 PM, on Interstate 70, Carter blew a tire on the back axle of his trailer. Fortunately, no one and no horses were injured however, at the speed he was travelling this could have been a major accident. Carter purchased a new tire and Fabrizius and Carter changed the tire and at 6:30 PM continued in the direction of Fort Collins. During the auction there was no mention of the EU paper work or health certificates.