Animals’ Angels attended the Centennial Livestock Auction on May 29, 2013. Investigators arrived at the auction at 11:00 a.m. It had rained hard prior to the start of the auction and investigators found both the pen area and the animals to be very wet.
Our investigators noted there were approximately 700 sheep and 500 goats with several pigs and approximately 15 calves at the auction this date. Several of the calves were very young including two that looked to be less than 48 hours old. One of the calves was barely moving but still appeared to be breathing. When asked about the calf, a worker informed our investigators that the calf would be sold even if it had to be physically carried into the sale ring.
In addition to the livestock, there were 19 horses and 3 burros in the pens awaiting auction. Several of the horses were thin. One pen was quite active and the animals seemed to be agitated and afraid. There was one stallion, very friendly, with a club foot. As well, our investigators noticed what looked to be a thoroughbred that was quite thin.
Investigators were watching as four additional horses came in; these horses were quite thin as well.
Not many people looked at the horses which is usually the case for this auction. Most of the horses found at this auction are sold to slaughter. However, neither large scale kill buyer Carter or Fabrizius were in attendance.
Our investigators monitored the auction for some time before leaving.